Weekly outlook: What is certain is that uncertainty has increased

12 11 月 2024


A jubilant mood on Wall Street, sideways movement on Europe’s stock markets – after the turbulent previous week, events still need to be digested. Nervousness has increased.

11 November 2024 FRANKFURT (Frankfurt Stock Exchange). Customs worries about Trump, the traffic light system, uncertainty surrounding the new elections – the DAX seems to be facing more difficult times. “Uncertainty has increased. The future US trade policy in particular is fueling concerns,” explains Christian Apelt from Helaba. However, he also points to hopes for economic policy reforms in Germany.


On Monday morning, the DAX stands at 19,400 points. In the previous week, it had been able to hold above the 19,000 point mark and had ended trading on Friday at 19,215 points. The US stock markets reacted to Trump’s victory with new records. Bitcoin also climbed to an all-time high and is now trading at over USD 81,000. 


Germany “politically paralyzed” for the time being

“The question on the financial markets is whether the Trump trade is now over for the time being and everyday life is returning or whether the political change is casting further shadows ahead,” notes Claudia Windt from Helaba. Perhaps there will only be a “calm between two storms” for the time being. Germany is likely to remain politically paralyzed in a difficult environment until new elections are held, also in view of possible burdens from the USA. The extent to which Trump’s re-election and the collapse of the coalition in Germany will ultimately affect the German economy is still unclear, however. “What is certain, however, is that uncertainty has increased noticeably.”

“DAX companies’ reporting disappointing”

The reporting season in Germany is in full swing, with Bayer, Allianz, RWE, Deutsche Telekom, Eon and Siemens, among others, publishing their accounts this week. According to Ulrich Kater from DekaBank, the DAX companies’ reports are disappointing. “Automotive stocks in particular are dragging down the index gains,” he explains. If you exclude the automotive sector, profits have risen slightly, but are lagging behind other regions. With the outcome of the US election and the break-up of the coalition, the structural challenges for German companies will remain high. “The faster and clearer the new governments communicate their plans, the better companies will be able to adapt to the changed framework conditions,” he emphasized. In the past, they have also successfully demonstrated their high level of flexibility time and time again. “This – in combination with an intact global economy, an inconspicuous valuation and low interest rates – speaks for moderate share price growth in the long term.”


“The stock market hates uncertainty”

Chart technician Christoph Geyer believes it is difficult to find technical signals in the current situation. “It would be unthinkable if the early general election turned into a hanging game. The stock market hates uncertainty,” he explains. In addition, the indicators are in neutral territory. Although turnover has recently increased, it is now declining again. It is now important that the support zone is held. “If constructive decisions are now made in the short term, the year-end rally could resume.”



Monday, 11 November

USA: Veterans Day. Bond market closed.

Tuesday, 12 November

11.00 am. Germany: ZEW Economic Sentiment November. According to DekaBank, Trump’s election and the end of the traffic light government are not likely to inspire confidence, but this will probably not yet have left its mark on the ZEW survey. In view of better economic indicators, it expects a slight increase in the ZEW economic expectations.

Wednesday, 13 November

14.30. USA: Consumer prices October. According to Commerzbank, the figures will not bring any surprises. The overall rate is likely to have risen by 0.2 percent and the core rate by 0.3 percent compared to the previous month.

Thursday, 14 November

13:30. Eurozone: Summary of the ECB meeting on October 17. According to DekaBank, the meeting was dominated by a slowdown in inflation and weaker economic data. The summary will therefore probably contain an extensive discussion on whether inflation could fall below the target value of 2 percent on a sustained basis. 

Friday, 15 November

3:00. China: Industrial production/retail sales October. Commerzbank forecasts only a slow stabilization for the Chinese economy. Industrial production probably grew by 5.6 percent year-on-year in October, retail sales by 2.9 percent.

14:30. USA: Retail sales October. According to Helaba, retail sales are expected to rise.  

15.15 hrs. USA: Industrial production October. The index of hours worked provides a negative indication for industrial production, notes Helaba.


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1) ARKK 被击沉了吗?

方舟创新ETF(ARKK) ARKK 是 ARK Invest 积极管理的 ETF,根据其创新和行业颠覆潜力投资于一系列公司。 ARKK 最大的持股是特斯拉、Square 和 Zoom 等公司。 ARKK 从 12 日的峰值下跌约 -33% 2 月,由于市场经历了资金的避险外流,今年迄今处于亏损状态。然而,超级明星基金经理凯西伍德一直在加倍押注,购买更多正在经历动荡时期的成长型股票,如 DraftKings、Peloton、Teladoc 和特斯拉。在她看来,ARKK 正在玩长期游戏,并且仍然坚信这些成长型股票在当前波动之后的长期前景。同样在流出方面,投资者仍然对 ARKK 押注很大,因为 ARK Invest 今年在其所有六只基金中仅损失了约 $1.2B 的资产,而同期则流入 $15.1B。最近,投资者一直紧张地关注 ARKK 的一篮子科技股,因为它们未来的盈利潜力仍然容易受到高通胀的侵蚀——这是最近几周市场的主要担忧。随着大宗商品——近期通胀担忧加剧的主要因素——从历史高位急剧下跌,投资者对恶性通货膨胀的担忧是否被夸大了?

2) 寻找亚洲股票的敞口?

iShares MSCI Asia ex Japan ETF (AAXJ) AAXJ 目前的交易价格为 -10.6%,偏离 2 月份创下的历史高点,在当时亚洲范围内的股票抛售中放弃了收益。鉴于该 ETF 持有的略高于 40% 的资产位于中国,中国股市的持续动荡目前在 AAXJ 中几乎完美延续,因为中国投资者在过去一年取得了惊人的收益后喘了口气。展望未来,亚洲——尤其是中国,正在加速其经济复苏。外界普遍预计,中国将成为今年表现最好的主要经济体之一,大大提振企业盈利前景。随着亚洲其他地区和世界逐渐开放自己的经济,在贸易前景增强的情况下,AAXJ 可能会再次受益于亚洲的强劲表现。

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