Navigating the Inflationary World with Currency Trading
2022 is the year where the world will feel the full effect of high inflation. Sparked off by the global supply chain gridlock due to the lock-down in response to COVID-19, inflation was further exacerbated when Russia attacked Ukraine as both countries are major exporters of energy and commodities critical to global food supply and […]
The Crypto Landscape After The 2022 Price Declines
So far in 2022, the price of Bitcoin has declined by 50%, and Ether by 66%. Is this the start of a “crypto winter” as some have feared, or a buying opportunity for an asset class that continues to develop? In this webinar, fundamental investor Tariq Dennison discusses the basics of Bitcoin and Ethereum, what […]
Trading Central Webinar: Will the Market Recover?
The U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average has just posted the longest weekly losing streak since 1923, and technology stocks are already in a bear market. While the market is dominated by a pessimistic sentiment, what signals should we, as investors, look at to operate in the current market turmoil or to position ourselves well for […]
由于不确定性正笼罩着世界金融市场,波动性与我们息息相关。 一些投资者正在寻找从波动中受益的方法,通过使用波动率指数(如 VIX)作为基础来分摊场外交易或交易所交易的产品风险,以减少因为恐惧投资组合可能的下跌而放弃潜在的上涨,这是其他产品所不能比拟的。 现在即刻加入此网络研讨会,了解更多有关实际波动率管理和市场动荡期间波动率策略交易的信息。 Webinar Outline 什么是VIX指数以及VIX现货和期货的特性 VIX指数随时间以及市场趋势的反应和变化 与股票、VIX指数上的可交易工具、期货指数及其特性(期限结构、均值回归)、ETP等呈反比 应用案例 套期保值(VIX指数与不同资产类别和亚洲股票的相关性。该指数与亚洲新闻头条及亚洲股市的重大事件有更多的负相关性。) 做空VIX(过去10年的一种常见做法,在2018年2月爆发)比较做空与做多。 全球范围内的VIX指数 Speaker叶佳胜——标普道琼斯指数策略指数总监 擅于利用市场、股息和波动率等分析投资策略进行资产配置。与营销、市场、全球研究开发团队密切合作,为投资组合及策略带来新想法。 在担任现任职务之前,曾任职于Dimensional Fund Advisors Research Group,与全球投资者一起研究和设计基于实时因素的投资策略。在此之前,任职于微软资本市场团队,该团队负责管理公司的内部股权战略。
Understanding Ethereum – the Foundation of Decentralized Applications
Watch this webinar to hear from Wan Zuhao, CTO of proprietary trading group, Synergy Link Capital, as he provides an overview of the Ethereum landscape and how it is different from Bitcoin. Zuhao will also share some details about the future developments of Ethereum and its potential implications. Webinar Outline What is Ethereum and how […]
Fireside Chat: Beating Inflation with Bitcoin Which stage of the cycle are we in now
Cryptocurrency markets are experiencing a period of calm, making this the best time to assess a key claim – how well do they actually serve as inflation hedges? In this session Phillip Futures Executive Director, Grace Chan, and Phillip Futures Investment Analyst, Mooris Tjioe, will draw key lessons from Bitcoin’s past price performance, and attempt […]
Bitcoin 101: How does it work?
Trading Strategies With A Possible Inflation In Mind