近日,美国联邦储备局明确将减慢加息的步伐,美元汇率长期呈现上升趋势,黄金也借着这波趋势迎来了价格反弹。 与此相反的是,油价却依旧维持颓势。这样的现象背后的原因究竟是什么?对于投资者来说,又该如何布局投资策略? 对于长期关注投资领域的你来说,这绝对是一次不可错过的研讨会。Trading Central亚太区研究部副主管林剑明先生将作为此次研讨会的主讲人,为你带来独到的市场和投资见解。 通过林剑明先生的市场洞察,结合你的投资经验进行相应的策略布局,相信你能在这次研讨会上获得的会比想象中多得多! 演讲者介绍: 林剑明先生毕业于香港大学,获工程学学士学位,在金融服务行业从事研究及翻译工作超过10年,现为香港证监会注册的负责人员 (Responsible Officer)。在干鼎 Trading Central,林剑明先生专门从事股票、外汇和大宗商品市场的技术分析,为客户提供独立和卓越的市场见解。
Still Bullish About Crude Oil & Stocks Amid Hyperinflation?
In earlier webinars, Ming Lam, Deputy Head of Research (Asia) of Trading Central, kept pointing out that the oil stock sector outperformed the overall U.S. stock market. However, should investors remain bullish on oil prices and stocks amid hyperinflation? In this webinar, Ming Lam will walk us through the major market conditions, including hyperinflation, influencing […]
Crude Palm Oil Price and Plantation Outlook in 2H2022
Hear from proprietary trader, David Ng, as he discusses crude palm oil prices as well as the outlook for the plantation. David will also share his personal views on some key stocks, associated with the crude palm oil sector, to keep a look out for. Webinar Outline Will the high price continue to sustain in […]
2022年2月俄乌冲突爆发以来,欧洲地区能源价格大幅上涨,全球石油市场陷入动荡,欧美均对莫斯科实施制裁。今年4月《纽约时报》评论指出,俄乌冲突已进入新阶段。这将会为原油市场带来什么影响?未来油价走向将何去何从?如何部署原油的交易策略? Webinar Outline 俄乌冲突进入新阶段 禁运难产,制裁失效? 原油近期的价格波动特点 油价的交易策略 Speaker甘灿荣——芝商所(CME)客席讲师 曾任证券期货、大型国企民企期货部门投资经理。十多年从事金融投资管理工作。长期从事CME旗下原油、农产品、黃金期货期权套利投资、跨境套保等交易,对原油交易有深刻的实操经验,配合能源交易中心(INE)设计培训内容。
How Did Inflation and Geopolitical Tensions Impact the Forex Market
Following the recent sanctions implemented by the US and its allies, what is the resultant impact to the Forex market? We will take a look at the projected interest rates for various central banks and analyse the trend for the USD. Webinar Outline Updates on Interest rates expectations, employment data and inflation figures of various […]
How to Use Automations To Earn While You Sleep
Hear from Binni Ong, a professional trader and Algo trading system developer on how she uses simple automation for her trades. These automations allow her to earn while she is sleeping, working or even on holiday. Do not miss this webinar to learn how to get started. Webinar Outline Different types of automations How simple […]
Strategies Of Riding A Successful Trade With Autobox
Support and resistance are foundational concept used in most analytical methods. While they are easy to understand, they are often difficult to spot during trading. However, they are very obvious after the price has moved. Webinar Outline Binni Ong designed “Autobox” – an analytical framework to: 1. Spot support and resistance in less than 3 […]
2020年新冠疫情爆发,原油市场需求骤停,WTI一度跌至负值。此后三年间,因需求恢复、供应释放不及预期、俄乌冲突等原因,布伦特原油价格一路攀升至130美金以上,推升了全球的能源品定价中枢,并进一步传导至成品油及化工品。 天然气方面,因需求抬升而供给投资不足,加上俄乌冲突影响,价格从2020年初的11.7欧元/兆瓦时最高到达223欧元/兆瓦时,并进一步传导至欧洲的电价,直接抬升了高耗能工业品的成本中枢,加剧了全球通胀。2022年,俄乌冲突会否带来深远的影响?传统能源品供需格局如何?高价下市场能否有所转变?是否有值得关注的交易机会? 现在即刻加入此网络研讨会,了解更多有关全球原油市场格局及相关交易机会的信息。 Webinar Outline 疫情以来,全球资产及能源品价格大幅上涨的原因 2022年全球油品市场格局—— 一季度回顾及年内展望 全球原油期货市场及中国原油期货的交易机会探讨(包括绝对价格、月差、裂解价差、内外盘套利、其他相关标的、期权) Speaker金逸宁永安期货研究中心副经理,能源组组长,高级分析师,熟悉能化产业链各品种的研究框架与分析逻辑,目前主要从事能源品种(原油、沥青、燃料油、LPG)的研究。2019年获得郑商所PTA高级分析师奖项,同年带领团队获得上期所能源化工品种产业服务优秀团队称号。
Discover Potential Stocks in the US Bear Market
Recently US Tech stocks have been on a heavy sell down. However, there are still certain sectors that are still bullish, containing stocks which are usually ignored by most traders. While most investors are still fixated on US Tech stocks, testing their luck by entering from the bottom, Caleb will share with you why he’d […]
Remove Your Trading Frustrations with The Alien Wash
Have you been stopped out or made a loss from a trade and soon found out that this trade had moved in your original trade direction in a fast and furious way? Professional traders typically use automations that have been specifically designed to move the prices in the opposite direction to find a better entry […]